Centre for ӰƵ Sydney

The Centre for ӰƵ Sydney (CfWS) is about putting voices of the region first, and we do that through conversations, conducting high quality research, and advocacy for the ӰƵ Sydney region.

ӰƵ Sydney as a Growing Region

ӰƵ Sydney is commonly touted as “Australia’s fastest growing region”, “the nation’s third largest economy”, and an “electoral battleground”. Conversely it is regularly rendered in the media as the site of record heatwaves, interminable gridlock and drive-by shootings.

Understanding those experiences is critical in achieving meaningful engagement with the aspirations, ideas and concerns of the region’s residents. That is the objective of ӰƵ Sydney University’s vehicle for regional thought leadership and solutions-orientated change, the Centre for ӰƵ Sydney.

About the Centre

The Centre for ӰƵ Sydney is ӰƵ Sydney University’s leading source of authority on its region.

The Centre was established in 2014 and re-launched in 2020 with a renewed focus on fulfilling a unique commitment in the ӰƵ Sydney University Act: supporting the development of ӰƵ Sydney.

The Centre is focused on delivering high-quality research and advocacy for – and with – the communities of ӰƵ Sydney. Through our research and our core values of diversity, authenticity, impact, excellence and collaboration, we strive to create a thriving and valued ӰƵ Sydney.

Our Priorities

Education and Participation

Education remains themostimpactful catalyst for positive change in socioeconomically disadvantaged communities, from early childhood through to the tertiary stage.

Health and Wellbeing

Health is a fundamental barometer of community wellbeing. Significant investments have been made, in recent years, in health infrastructure and services at sites like Blacktown-Mt Druitt, Liverpool, Nepean and Westmead.

Housing and Community

The lack of a coordinated, and at-scale, stimulus response to support social housing is worse than a missed opportunity, it risks exacerbating already profound housing challenges experienced throughout the region.

Place and Connectedness

As a markedly dispersed and dynamic metropolitan area, ӰƵ Sydney relies on connectivity - via transport links, digital and related infrastructure - to realise the full range of regional priorities the Centre for ӰƵ Sydney promotes.

Society and Culture

As an expression of community diversity and dynamism, culture is the characteristic that kinetically defines, reshapes and challenges ӰƵ Sydney’s identity.

Sustainability and Economy

Despite numerous government strategies to address job-creation and job-density shortfalls across ӰƵ Sydney, the region still profoundly lags Inner Sydney and comparable areas on both counts.